Top #1 Marrakech SEO expert

Are you looking for a Marrakech SEO expert ? You knocked on the good door. Or, rather, you clicked on the right link and it’s not only by chance. Far from there. If you found this page dedicated to our Google SEO specialists, it is simply because it was on the first page of your search. In short, it’s because we know the end of the keyboard about our natural referencing work and we have put in place an optimal web strategy.

seo expert at marrakech

It is this expertise that we propose to put at the service of your website. Since you are on this page, you know the strategic importance for your company or your organization for an optimized positioning on the first pages of search engines. Remember that 90% of clicks on Google are made on the first page and that no one goes further than the third!

Your future prospect or customer trusts Google’s algorithms to respond as closely as possible to their queries. The challenge for our Marrakech SEO expert is to stay in pole position. Before, optimizing your SEO could be done relatively easily : a list of keywords, a few meta-tags found on the internet and more or less effective tricks found on forums : large numbers of incoming links, duplicate content (copied and pasted texts), etc.

This was a random optimization that could sometimes work. However, since 2012, the Google algorithm has changed. Using sharp updates with the charming names of Pinguin or Panda, Google has refined its reading of web pages to prevent uninteresting but highly optimized sites from monopolizing the first places.

As a result, natural referencing (compared to paid referencing) has become a key issue for any company requiring an optimized strategy, because having a good ranking is quite simply having more traffic, therefore more customers and an increase in turnover. So, what do I exactly offer, as a Marrakech SEO expert ?

I am proud to pretend being above all technic practices with a solid experience of analyzing the Google algorithm. Technology watch is an integral part of our daily work. It’s not for nothing, remember, that you found us. The good natural referencing of our own site is THE proof of our professionalism in natural referencing.

The work provided on our site will be the same as for yours : a good SEO audit, tailor-made technical and semantic solutions, personalized digital marketing and long-term monitoring. First of all, our Marrakech SEO expert will look into your field of activity. A state of the competition will be made as well as a sharp analysis of the keywords inherent to your activity (professional or not).

Mission of our Marrakech SEO expert

marrakesh seo expert

We will quickly have an idea of ​​the keywords essential not only for good positioning, which will bring you traffic, but also, and above all, in order to avoid a high bounce rate. This is the percentage of Internet users visiting a site and leaving immediately without going any further, to different web pages.

We therefore seek, above all, a good conversion rate, that is to say a high percentage of visitors carrying out the action you want : buying, requesting a quote, filling out a questionnaire, downloading your documents, etc. Our Marrakech SEO expert will already have a global vision of your sector of activity and will know very quickly whether the optimization of your positioning will be quick or not.

Once this external audit has been carried out, it is time for the internal audit. There, our Marrakech SEO expert will get his hands busy. Direction : the structure of your website. As we specified above, the Google algorithm is constantly being refined and it must be allowed to properly examine the content of your site.

A badly done meta tag in the tree structure, the internal mesh or pages that take too long to load are some examples of obstacles to the reading of your site by Google. The in-depth examination of the semantic content of your pages is also part of the audit. Google certainly needs keywords to find you but will also dissect all the texts published on your site.

Thus, at present, the search engine manages to distinguish quality semantic content from poor content, copied elsewhere, or consisting only of an indigestible list of keywords. This type of websites is immediately relegated to the confines of the Web. Our Marrakech SEO expert will ensure, with you, the quality of your texts and offer you, if necessary, solutions such as content creation. A semantic cocoon can be the spearhead of your strategy.

seo professional

Our Marrakech SEO expert has therefore examined the external context, dissected the interior of your site, now let’s move on to the link between the two, namely netlinking. It is clear that a website must in no case be a dead end for the visitor. Having links to other sites is therefore essential, however, here as well, expertise is welcome, because it is, once again, not the number only but the quality that counts.

Do you know exactly the number of links pointing to your website ? Do you have any idea of ​​their quality ? You may not, but Google does. Your SEO can suffer from links to low quality sites or sites that have nothing to do with your core business. In the same perspective, our Marrakech SEO expert will be give special care to your internal links : the optimization of your anchors.

An anchor is quite simply an HTML tag allowing to link a text or an image to a precise place of a page published on the internet. When you pass the mouse over such a link, a small text appears informing the user of the content of the target page to which it points. This display is very useful for the Internet user but also, and above all, for Google.

It will therefore also be necessary to think more closely about the words that will form these anchors, because the time of sites multiplying the number of optimized anchors in order to satisfy the search engines is over. Pinguin has been there. A fine, strategic and tailor-made use will obviously be offered to you by our Marrakech SEO expert.

If we often insist on tailor-made, it is because we do not work with ready-made solutions. Your site is unique. You too. So are our solutions. Our goal is to work for you, with you, and for the long term. You are therefore yourself an actor in the optimization actions to be implemented on your site. Our Marrakech SEO expert will make recommendations and keep you constantly informed during all the strategic steps developed with you.

Our Marrakech SEO expert can offer you targeted actions to increase the number of your visitors, including advanced digital marketing operations, a quality local referencing on Google Maps, constant control of your online reputation, both preventively and during a crisis, in the event of bad-buzz, and above all, our expert will set up an appropriate technological and competitive watch.

The goal is not to optimize your site and let it happen alone. On the contrary, it takes substantive and long-term work, allowing you to stay on top of requests from Internet users.

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